A nodejs based REST API boilerplate using postgres and express with TDD;
frameworks express, tabel
db postgreSQL
TDD mocha, chai
A project and idea sharing web portal for college students, expressjs server with postgres tabel (knex wrapper orm), a expressjs microserver to render frontend written in ejs(partials) and jquery (components) working as single page app
Backend expressjs postgresql
Server heroku
Frontend expressjs microserver, ejs, jquery
Styling bootstrap sass
dev tools gulp, bower, npm
An app to list and calculate lended money | An app without signup and profile. Html string of components appended, local storage is used to save data.
Backend none
Server github's gh-pages
Frontend jquery html string rendering
Styling materialize css
DB local storage
Best way to learn web development is to build something ! so I started building something when I started learning web.
Backend diffrent for differnt versions
Server github's gh-pages , openshift
Frontend jquery, html
Styling bootstrap, css3
DB sqlite3