understanding es6 pipeline O|>erator
By Satyam Yadav
- 3 minutes read - 472 wordsPipeline operator |>
is a readable way of writing chained functions. The operator is currently at stage 1 of tc39 proposal (ESNext Proposal).
The pipeline operator provides a syntactic sugar to call a function with single argument.
expression |> function
//or call multiple functions as
expression |> fn1 |> fn2 |> fn3
each function gets the result from its preceeding function as input and passes the result to next function i.e. input (argument/expression) is piped through and complete pipeline.
Let’s look at some examples :
Define the double
and increment
functions to use in examples.
const double = n => n * 2;
const increment = n => n + 1;
The function(argument) way:
We can call functions as g(f(n))
to get our input parameter n
through the functions f(n)
and g(m)
OR by taking intermediate value as a variable:
var a = f(n);
result = g(a):
double(increment(double(10))); //42
// OR
let a = double(10); //20
let b = increment(a); //21
let result = double(b); //42
using lodash
Using lodash we can achieve the same (chaining) by using _.chain()
for inbuilt methods or by _.mixin()
for using custom methods or by _.flow()
(functional compositions).
const _ = require('lodash');
// using lodash mixin
_.mixin({'double': double, 'increment': increment});
_(10).double().increment().double().value(); //42
// using lodash flow
const doubleIncrementDouble = _.flow([double, increment, double]);
let result = doubleIncrementDouble(10) //42
es5 utility function
To write a utility function to do the same for us, we need to define a function (pipe
) that takes a list (array) of methods (functions) and returns a function which takes only one parameter and reduces the functions array from its parent scope initializing with its parameter.
Now as we have a wrapper function pipe
we can call it as
pipe([fn1, fn2, f3 ...fm])(n)
we can define different pipes taking list of functions
var pipeline1 = [double, increment]
and then call it as
// pipeline utility
var pipe = function (functionList) {
return function (data) {
return functionList.reduce(function(value, func) {
return func(value)
}, data);
pipe([double, increment, double])(10); //42
ESNext pipeline operator
10 |> double |> increment |> double;
As we often need to transform some data or clean data for some usages like data visualizations , tabular representations, payload generations etc. we need a utility or use a library like lodash for doing that part only, it is good to have feature in language itself as similar to [F#](https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/F Sharp_Programming/Higher_Order_Functions#The.7C.3E_Operator), OCaml, Elixir, Elm, Julia, Hack, LiveScript, as well as UNIX pipes.
Also as in proposal :
…you can use an arrow function to handle multi-argument functions.
Thank You !!
Your thoughts , suggestions or corrections are most welcome !!, Please feel free to share them below. will test some more complex examples and will share If I found anything interesting.
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